Longman’s Giant Earthworm - title

The Hidden Australian Giant Earthworm Wonder of Southeast Queensland

Hidden beneath the lush, wet forests of southeast Queensland, Australia, lies a rare creature that rarely sees the light of day: Longman’s giant earthworm (Digaster longmani).

These elusive giants are one of the many species of giant earthworms found throughout Australia, each with its own unique characteristics and restricted geographic range.

Giant Earthworm Wildlife Release in Brisbane, Queensland

Longman’s Giant Earthworm Facts

  1. The discovery of Longman’s Giant Earthworm is shrouded in mystery. The species was named after field naturalist and herpetologist Heber Longman, who received a specimen from a local resident. However, the exact location of the worm’s discovery remains unknown.
  2. Longman’s Giant Earthworms are incredibly sensitive to vibrations in the soil. They can detect the slightest movements, such as footsteps on the ground above, and quickly retreat deeper into their burrows to avoid potential threats.
  3. Like many other earthworm species, Longman’s Giant Earthworms possess the ability to regenerate lost body parts. If a portion of their tail is severed, they can regrow it over time, ensuring their survival.
  4. Recent genetic studies have revealed that Longman’s Giant Earthworms are genetically distinct from other giant earthworm species found in Australia. This finding highlights the importance of preserving their specific habitat and genetic diversity.
  5. Due to their subterranean lifestyle and the challenges in studying them, sightings of Longman’s Giant Earthworms are incredibly rare. Many local residents and even scientists have never encountered one in person, adding to the creature’s mystique and allure.

Longman’s giant earthworms grow to a remarkable in size, with some individuals being up to an astonishing 2 meters in length, although the average length is closer to 1 meter. Their width is equally impressive, with some worms being as thick as a garden hose.

Despite their size, these earthworms spend most of their lives in deep, permanent burrows underground, making them a rare sight for humans.

These subterranean dwellers only surface when their burrows become flooded due to heavy rainfall, or when their homes are disturbed by digging or landslips. The reason for their emergence during heavy rains is linked to their unique respiratory system. Longman’s giant earthworms, like all earthworms, breathe through their skin. When their burrows flood, the water can become low in oxygen, forcing the worms to seek air at the surface.

Longman's Giant Earthworm Distribution CC BY-SA 4.0
Longman’s Giant Earthworm Distribution CC BY-SA 4.0

Interestingly, while seeing a Longman’s giant earthworm is a rare occurrence, hearing them is not entirely uncommon. When disturbed by footsteps or other vibrations, the worms may slide along their waterlogged tunnels, creating a peculiar gurgling sound that emanates from the ground.


As hermaphrodites, Longman’s giant earthworms possess both male and female reproductive organs. Reproduction typically involves cross-fertilization with another individual of the same species. After mating, the worms produce egg-filled cocoons, which are left to incubate in the soil. Juvenile worms emerge from these cocoons after a certain period of development.


The diet of Longman’s giant earthworms consists primarily of organic matter and debris, which they consume as they burrow through the soil. This feeding behavior plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, as the worms help to break down and recycle nutrients, enriching the soil in the process.


Unfortunately, the current status of Longman’s giant earthworm populations remains unknown. These creatures face numerous threats, including soil disturbance, reduction or pollution of the water table, drought, and the use of pesticides and herbicides. Their underground lifestyle makes it challenging to study and monitor their numbers effectively.

Despite the challenges in studying these elusive giants, their presence is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem and a sign we are getting decent rain. The appearance of Longman’s giant earthworms in southeast Queensland is another example of the region’s biodiversity and the importance of preserving the wet forest habitats they call home.

In the rare event that one encounters a Longman’s giant earthworm, it is important to handle the creature with care and return it to its original location, covering it with moist leaves to ensure its safe return to the soil.

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